Friday, June 06, 2008

OC 1st day supper

after the gathering of OC for the next day information,
we all going to have supper since all of us is hungry...
there got few ppl go along which is aziyan, brazoor, rao, wani, K5, Amily and me.
we had our supper at habeeb sultan, the one beside u-center.
while eating, we all having a nice chit chat and all....
we still having SS-ing over there as well,
talk and laugh like no body business kind of, haha...
after the supper, we all jus went back home coz all already sleepy...
and the next day need to take up around 6 something...
want to wake up so early, will die ar... haha...

p/s: aziyan was not inside the picture coz she is the one that taking the picture.

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